Interview on Chelsi Jo Moore’s Podcast
Hi Friends,
I wanted to air an interview I did on Chelsi Jo Moore’s podcast, Systemize Your Life because I thought it would be poignant to share. Chelsi is probably the most organized person I know AND she’s also a mom struggling with her kids’ eczema cases.
In this episode we talk about this conflicting desire to solve our kid’s health problems in a natural way, that doesn’t do any further harm, AND still a part of “the real world” where steroid prescriptions, or any prescription, is the first line of defense for any imbalance but especially for our kids’ super uncomfortable eczema. Topical steroids “work,” for a time, in that they suppress the itchy, red, dry symptoms your kid is facing. But unfortunately friends, in using these you are just kicking the can down the road. Prescriptions suppress the issue, they do not resolve it.
Point is, we want better for our kids and for that to happen, we have to change. We have to learn new habits. We are all on this ride together, so again, I thought it would be insightful to air this. Let’s dig into the show!
Take Care,
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Want Natural Eczema Solutions but Need Help?
Let me take you through the Eczema Free Framework! Through SIMPLE diet and nutrition solutions, non-toxic environmental changes and natural at-home remedies you can heal your kid’s eczema.