
gut health for eczema kids

Eczema and Gut Health from a Functional Medicine Prospective

Delving deep into the realm of eczema and gut health, our focus today is on nurturing our little ones from within, aiming for genuine healing.

In my quest for insights, I discovered a glaring gap in discussions surrounding how we can bolster our children’s gut health. That’s precisely what we aim to address here.

Meet Doctor Meg Mill

Joining us is the esteemed Dr. Meg Mill, host of the Little Bit Healthier Podcast. Boasting over two decades of clinical expertise, she’s not just a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner but also a bestselling author and podcast host.

Through her virtual Functional Medicine practice, Dr. Meg has wrought transformation in the lives of countless clients worldwide. She excels at piecing together the puzzle of varied, baffling health challenges such as migraines, gastrointestinal issues, chronic fatigue, skin ailments, anxiety, and allergies.

Dr. Meg’s mission is to embolden her clients to seize command of their well-being, empowering them to reclaim vitality, mental acuity, and self-assurance, thereby enabling them to fully embrace life once more.

Listen Below For The Entire Episode on The Eczema Kids Podcast

What Is The Root Cause of Eczema?

Dr. Meg’s journey with eczema was not just a physical struggle but an emotional one too. She vividly recalls feeling miserable and, in her own words, “looking like a raccoon.” Despite reassurances from conventional doctors that she was the epitome of health, she knew deep down that something was amiss. That’s when she made a pivotal decision to pursue licensure as a functional medicine practitioner.

Drawing an analogy from the movie “Multiplicity,” where a copy of a copy loses its sharpness, we highlight a concerning trend: the escalating prevalence of eczema and other autoimmune conditions. Many seemingly healthy individuals, raised on processed foods, exposed to environmental toxins, and reliant on pharmaceuticals, are now becoming parents. And unfortunately, they’re passing on a legacy of compromised health to their children.

Dr. Meg emphasizes that at the core of eczema lies gut issues and food sensitivities. She firmly believes that the lack of diversity and beneficial gut bacteria in our little ones contributes significantly to this condition. To break this cycle and pave the way for genuine flourishing, a holistic approach is imperative—a plan that addresses gut health, nurtures diversity, and fosters resilience. It’s an opportunity to embark on a journey towards holistic wellness, perhaps for the first time in our little one’s lives.

“Many seemingly healthy individuals, raised on processed foods, exposed to environmental toxins, and reliant on pharmaceuticals, are now becoming parents. And unfortunately, they’re passing on a legacy of compromised health to their children.” -Andra McHugh

Eczema and Gut Health in Our Kids

If you’re on a quest to revitalize your child’s vitality, nurture their gut health, and foster holistic wellness, look no further than the Clear Skin Kids Course. Here, we embark on a profound journey of healing from the inside out, tackling inflammation, alleviating symptoms, and breaking free from the relentless itch-and-scratch cycle once and for all.

This course isn’t just for those starting their wellness journey. This is a course for healthy people. It’s for those who’ve already made significant dietary changes, like eliminating gluten, dairy, and eggs, and are now seeking the next level of health optimization. Because let’s face it, ensuring our children’s health and overall wellness is our responsibility.

But here’s the game-changer: when you pair our course with our organic, highly effective skincare line, you unlock a synergistic effect that revolutionizes your child’s skincare routine. Say goodbye to sleepless nights and wasted dollars on ineffective creams and superfoods.

In the Clear Skin Kids Course, I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing all my trade secrets. From preparing easily digestible foods to implementing a low histamine diet, we leave no stone unturned. And that’s not all—learn to create your own herbal oil and anti-itch salve, putting the power of healing in your hands.

We also delve deep into the importance of pre and probiotics for gut health, offering practical strategies for incorporating them into your child’s routine. Say goodbye to nutritional deficiencies and digestive woes. We’ve got you covered!

But it’s not just about what goes into our bodies. We also uncover environmental triggers and equip you with actionable steps to mitigate their impact. With specialized guidance for babies, nursing moms, and school-aged children, no one is left behind.

And for busy parents juggling multiple responsibilities, fear not—I’ve developed a time-blocking framework to help you stay organized and sane amidst the chaos.

This isn’t a temporary fix. It’s a sustainable, affordable plan designed to leave your kids glowing from the inside out. With our soothing skincare products complementing your efforts, unstoppable is an understatement.

Whether you opt for the DIY version or go all-in with the VIP package, rest assured that every path leads to wellness, happy kids, and thriving families.

Eczema and Stool Tests in Children

Next on the agenda, Dr. Meg advocates for a stool test to gauge the bacterial composition of the gut. However, in the case of child patients, I propose a strategic adjustment: let’s prioritize this step last to optimize both time and cost savings.

Within the framework of the Clear Skin Kids Protocol, we proceed with a foundational understanding. We acknowledge that the child in question likely exhibits a deficiency in beneficial gut bacteria, struggles with fat assimilation, contends with clogged detox pathways, and grapples with a leaky gut. This holistic approach allows us to address multiple facets of their health simultaneously. Which sets the stage for comprehensive healing.

Optimal Diet and Nutrition for Kids with Eczema

With these fundamental truths in mind, we transition to the pivotal realm of diet and nutrition. Dr. Meg underscores the importance of incorporating prebiotic-rich foods such as onions and garlic to nourish the beneficial bacteria residing in the gut. Additionally, when considering probiotic supplementation, prioritize bifidobacteria strains over lactobacillus strains. This strain is especially helpful when caring for a child with eczema.

In the quest to alleviate eczema symptoms, Dr. Meg emphasizes the significance of consuming foods rich in soluble fiber. From Brussels sprouts to broccoli, chia seeds to lentils, and an array of other options, these soluble fiber powerhouses hold the key to healing.

However, before delving into dietary modifications, it’s crucial to assess your child’s bowel habits. Constipation often accompanies eczema due to underlying gut issues, necessitating prompt attention.

While probiotic-rich foods are typically recommended in gut-healing protocols, it’s imperative to exercise caution with eczema. Dr. Meg and I concur that many of these foods are high in histamine and can potentially trigger eczema flares.

In my personal journey of researching and experimenting with my own children’s eczema, one perplexing revelation stood out: why were purportedly beneficial foods like bone broth and fermented foods exacerbating rashes? It became evident that histamine intolerance was at play—a crucial factor to consider in crafting an effective eczema management plan.

Histamine Foods and Eczema

Dr. Meg shares a similar concern regarding this phenomenon, as she acknowledges the role of bad bacteria in our gut in histamine production. Adding to the complexity, our body relies on an enzyme called DAO to metabolize histamine. However, compromised gut health can hinder DAO production, exacerbating the issue. An unfortunate and common reality.

Foods high in histamine, including bone broth, avocados, bananas, fermented foods, and various others, can inadvertently worsen eczema symptoms. Navigating your child’s eczema-healing diet can be intricate and bewildering, which is why seeking guidance from a trusted expert is paramount. And guess what? I’ve got you covered!

How to Minimize Toxin Exposures

If you’re expecting and aiming to safeguard your newborn from conditions like eczema, Dr. Meg offers invaluable advice. She says to prioritize minimizing exposure to toxins and focus on consuming a diverse array of whole foods.

I wholeheartedly echo this sentiment. Take proactive steps to minimize exposure to harmful chemicals whenever possible. Whether it’s avoiding standing downwind of a gas pump or consciously opting for chemical-free alternatives, every effort counts. And when exposure to chemicals is unavoidable, strive to cultivate a sense of peace amidst the circumstance.

Making simple yet impactful changes within your home environment can also contribute to a healthier future for your family. Swap out plastic containers for glass or stainless steel alternatives. Plastics can harbor harmful substances. Utilize resources like the Environmental Working Group (EWG) to assess the safety of products, ensuring they don’t contain endocrine-disrupting properties. Bid farewell to plastic consumption. Prioritize water filtration using tools like EWG’s zipcode water locator, and revamp your skincare regimen with clean, non-toxic products. These small adjustments can yield significant benefits for both you and your baby’s well-being.

Picky Eaters and Food Sensitivities

When it comes to mealtime battles with picky eaters or catering to individuals with multiple food sensitivities, stainless steel plates are just the beginning. Dr. Meg, a seasoned mom of two grown children, has a creative solution up her sleeve: the color game.

Here’s how it works: Create a chart showcasing various food colors, and challenge your little ones to incorporate as many different colors into their meals throughout the week. The incentive? A prize awaits those who embrace the rainbow of nutrients. Not only does this approach make mealtime more engaging, but it also encourages children to diversify their nutrient intake. After all, each food color boasts unique nutritional properties, making it essential for kids to sample a spectrum of hues.

Navigating a healing diet may seem daunting, but it’s important to recognize that it’s not a life sentence. Dr. Meg emphasizes the significance of understanding the impact of food sensitivities and the role they play in inflammatory conditions. Every time a sensitive food is consumed, it effectively resets the healing process. For instance, in the case of dairy, gluten, and other inflammatory culprits exacerbating your child’s symptoms, elimination is key. By removing these triggers, such as those stimulating IGE antibodies (allergies) and IGg antibodies (food sensitivities), from the diet, the body can begin to heal and rebuild. Remarkably, IGg antibodies have a half-life of 23 days, meaning that within 90 days of eliminating triggering foods, the body should be clear of these antibodies.

Dr. Meg herself underwent this transformative journey with dairy, observing firsthand the resurgence of her eczema symptoms following sporadic dairy consumption. This serves as a powerful reminder of the profound impact dietary choices can have on our health and well-being.

Gut Health and Immunity in Children

The connection between gut health and immune function is undeniable. We’ve seen it time and time again. If your child has recently weathered an immune assault, whether it’s hand, foot, and mouth disease, COVID-19, or a bout of winter colds and flus, it’s essential to prioritize rebuilding their immune system. And the key? Whole, real food. No processed junk allowed. Ensure they stay hydrated with non-plastic water bottles. Focus on consuming a rainbow of natural colors, and incorporate ample proteins and gluten-free whole grains into their diet.

But that’s not all. Immune-supporting vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in fortifying their defenses. Think vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc. They’re the superheroes of immune health.

And here’s a fascinating tidbit: mast cells, those little immune cells that release histamine, can be stabilized with mast cell stabilizers. According to Dr. Meg, it’s a whole other realm of discussion, but by calming and stabilizing the histamine response, we’re effectively addressing a significant piece of the immune puzzle. As we work to heal the gut lining, we’re simultaneously bolstering the immune system—a holistic approach with far-reaching benefits.

Shifts in Future Eczema Treatment

Dr. Meg highlights a growing awareness of functional medicine—an encouraging development that holds promise for reshaping how allopathic medicine approaches conditions like autoimmunity and eczema in children. However, she also points out a sobering reality: the influence of big business and pharmaceutical companies in dictating medical budgets.

During a recent visit to a major medical conference, Dr. Meg couldn’t help but notice the staggering investments being poured into pharmaceuticals designed to manage symptoms rather than address underlying root causes. This emphasis on symptom modulation often comes at the expense of exploring alternative therapies that prioritize true healing.

While the landscape may seem dominated by profit-driven agendas, the rising tide of interest in functional medicine signals a potential paradigm shift. One that advocates for a more holistic and sustainable approach to healthcare. As awareness continues to spread, there’s hope for a future where the focus shifts from symptom management to genuine, root cause resolution.

Continuing the Conversation of Gut Health and Eczema Treatment

Returning to basics by making dietary changes and bolstering your immunity can often eliminate the need for pharmaceutical intervention. According to Dr. Meg, it’s crucial to recognize that all drugs come with potential side effects. These effects may differ from the outcomes you desire. Ultimately, it’s a personal decision whether to opt for pharmaceuticals or embark on the journey of healing from within.

For many of you, I know the latter option resonates deeply. Your commitment to holistic healing and nurturing your child’s well-being is truly commendable—it’s something I deeply admire.

As you navigate this journey, remember that you’re not alone. Our community, Eczema Solutions for Kids, Natural Healing and Comfort Facebook group, is here to offer support, guidance, and a listening ear. Whether you’re sharing your struggles, celebrating successes, or simply seeking solidarity, our fellow parents understand and empathize. Together, we can navigate this path towards healing and comfort.

If you’d like to get in touch with Dr. Meg Mill, you can find her at her virtual practice. She has a free guide, for simple steps and protocols you can start today to improve your gut health. You can also follow along on Instagram @drmegmill for daily health tips!

If you’re hoping to dive into more episodes surrounding gut health and eczema, check out How to Treat Eczema Rashes While Tending to Compromised Detox and Digestive Functions, Unsuspected Eczema-Triggering Foods AND What to Eat Instead and Eczema-Triggering Foods and What the Eat Instead PART TWO.

Gut health and eczema
Gut health and eczema


Why is it important to consider dietary changes and boosting immunity as alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs?

It’s essential to recognize that pharmaceutical drugs often come with side effects that may not align with the desired outcomes. By focusing on dietary changes and immunity-boosting strategies, we can address underlying root causes and promote holistic healing from within. This approach not only reduces the need for drugs but also empowers individuals to take control of their health in a sustainable and natural way. The Clear Skin Kids Course is your affordable, do-able NATURAL solution!

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